[TYPO3-project-4-3] File references, Multimedia

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Mar 26 09:58:52 CET 2009


i think presenting multimedia files like mp3, mp4 etc TYPO3 is far 
behind other CMS systems. For me the multimedia CE is such unusable, as 
you can't teach editors how to use (setting parameters like a HTML coder).

So i would like to enhance it and make usage much more simple. For this 
it'S the best way i see to implement it with flash player, as this is 
the common way streaming data in websites. To fullfil i would suggest to 
add 2 files to contrib-dir:
* player.swf
* swfobjects.js

The player params could be stored in XML, eg the pi_flexform of 
tt_content, so no additional fields are needed.

The seconf drawback is, that multimedia files mostly are very big, so 
copy them to uploads will fail by size limit. Ingmar did a nice 
extension (em_references) which allows with a flag not to copy the file 
but create a reference. Unfortunally he needed to xclass 3 core files 
for doing it, please have a look to this extension.

Any comments on this issue(s) are welcome.

vg Steffen

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