[TYPO3-project-4-3] Header / Footer class for BE and FE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Jun 16 09:39:08 CEST 2009


after a brainstorm with olly i concepted a class that renders all 
header- and footer-parts for a webpage. This class can be used for BE 
and FE, which makes it universal, and there is a central place where 
this stuff is handled.

The aim was
* include javascript libs simple (which was the case for template.php)
* introduce a concatenate and compress feature, which is not implemented 
yet but prepared
* add footer part, which is a missing feature. There is one flag which 
moves all javascript to end of the page
* add ExtCore as supported javascript library

The attached patches is the woring code for this concept. I implemented 
it in the way, that behaviour is same as before, so you don't need to 
change anything in BE/FE settings, but added a few possibilities.
For FE there are possibilities with TS, and direct control as the header 
class is in TSFE, in BE the class is instanced by template.


This is the way how ro include javascript libs in FE:
page {
	# load javascript libs
	javascriptLibs {
		# load prototype
		Prototype = 1

		#load Scriptaculous with optional modules
		Scriptaculous = 1
		Scriptaculous {
			modules = dragdrop,controls
		# load ExtCore
		ExtCore = 1
		# enable ExtCore debug
		ExtCore.debug = 1
		# load ExtJs
		ExtJs = 1
		ExtJs {
			# include ext-all.css
			css = 1
			# include t3skin / gray theme
			theme = 1
			# load specific adapter
			adapter = jquery
			# enable debug
			debug = 1
	# this code is wrapped in Ext.onReady-Block
	inlineJSExtOnReady {
		10 = TEXT
		10.value = this.ball = 1;
		20 = TEXT
		20.value = this.switch = 1;
	# this code is inserted at end of page
	inlineFooterJS {
		10 = TEXT
		10.value = var eee = 1;
		20 = TEXT
		20.value = var rrr = 1

There is also a parameter which moves all existing Javascript to end of 
config.swapJsFromHeaderToFooter = 1

These settings are implemented but has no effect atm:

Of course all settings are available in php too using methods of the 
header class.

The Headerparts (headerData) is inserted as it is without any change, as 
this is kind of free text and already wrapped script links. So if you 
want to get the advantages of this processing you should add JS and CSS 
with the other methods.

The rendering is template based, so you can move your parts easy around 
by rearranging the marker in template.

I divided the patch in 3 parts which makes it a lot easier to read.

I look forward to your comments,

vg Steffen
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