[TYPO3-project-4-3] Variation for TypoScript "if"

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Jun 11 17:47:24 CEST 2009

JoH asenau schrieb:
>> I tried to enhance the syntax with formal logic in mind and didn't
>> think about a natural language approach.
> And exactly this is the reason why your approach will work for people with a
> mathematical background only.

Because I'm a programmer and tend to look at the world in terms I'm
familiar with.

> So why not use a "natural language" approach, that can be understood by both
> programmers _and_ non programmers?

I'm fine with natural language. But to use programmers it will be to
verbose and much more difficult to understand than a logical expression
(really). How about supporting both approaches (TYPO3 was always about
having choices).

> AFAIK this is one of the concepts for FLOW3 as well: Using proper and human
> readable naming for objects, functions, methods and variables to help even
> non programmers to understand what's going on _and_ make the life of
> experienced programmers easier.

I doubt that any non-progammer will understand the code of FLOW3. But
that's not necessary. I agree that TypoScript should be usable without
being a professional programmer.


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