[TYPO3-project-4-3] "AdmPanel" and "Preview" is outputted after closing </html>

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jun 1 19:47:26 CEST 2009


Steffen Ritter schrieb:
> Franz Koch schrieb:
>> I think it could be related to the cache, as pages coming from cache 
>> will already have the closing </body></html> tags. Thus you would have 
>> to parse the code somehow (be it a str_replace or some preg_replace 
>> stuff) to get those elements inside the body tag. But this is just a 
>> guess.
> Well, this is right... BUT, when Admin-Panel is activated or "Preview" 
> is shown, the Cache gets disabled anyways-

that's not right. It depemds on your cache setting in admPanel

> Furthermore there is a hook right before outputting the data of the page 
>  - no matter if it's from cache or generated right in place... (as far 
> as I have seen that).

the hook is the worth i know, as it's independent from cache :)

btw - why is that such important? You validate a page never with 
admPanel visible, so where is the problem? For me it's kind of puristic 
wish to have development valid, but purpose for this is to get all 
running and analyze errors.

vg Steffen

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