[TYPO3-project-4-3] Fluid CSSEngine folder structure

Tomaz Zaman tomaz at optiss.si
Fri Aug 14 13:47:24 CEST 2009

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
> I guess you haven't really read the post of what CSSengine is supposed
> to do: You work with your CSS as you already do, but the CSSengine can
> provide some easy ways of doing stuff that has to be automated - well -
> automatically:
> - minifies your CSS
> - concatenates CSS before browser-output (saving some HTTP connections)
> - parses your CSS and does some fancy operations (like using a syntax
> like in http://lesscss.org/
> - maybe more in future...
> So basically, you still use your editor, you still include these files
> wherever you like, but these might be processed by the CSSengine to give
> you even more efficiency.
> At least that is what I understood and to which I give my "+1".
> Cheers,
> Ernesto

I understand what you're saying, but i don't need my CSS minified or 
concatenated, i do that myself before even going to TYPO3 because i 
don't want processing power to be wasted on tasks (fancy opeartions) 
like that - T3 is already a resource hungry beast without that :)).

I like to have total contol over the output of the website (although 
TYPO3 sometimes doesn't allow that :)), so i take care of all files 
myself, then i test the output in all popular browsers. And only then i 
move to T3 (as I'm sure most professional developers do). Why would i 
need CSSengine at that point when i have it all just the way i want it?

Maybe I'm too short-sighted here, but i still think T3 should stay 
'CONTENT management framework', not 'EVERYTHING management framework' 
that supports lazyness and lack of knowledge. If you want it easy, then 
you probably will not use T3 anyway...


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