[TYPO3-project-4-3] New static templates?

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Apr 24 16:12:25 CEST 2009

Hi guys,

Ingmar Schlecht schrieb:
>> Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
>>> I think those templates should be shipped in an extension then, so it
>>> would be easier to exchange that with something up-to-date some years
>>> later...
>> +1. sysext or TER ext?
> I think we could ship that as a sysext in 4.3, and when the templates
> become outdated in, say, TYPO3 4.5 we put it to TER and announce that
> you need to manually fetch it from TER if you still need it (or hosting
> providers could choose to still ship it in the currently unused location
> typo3/ext/ for the convencience of their customers).

I don't think it should be a sysext unless it works like TER.

The extension should not ship with any templates but rather provide a 
download interface just similar to the extension manager (or, maybe it 
_can_ be a part of the EM?)

If there will be a nice interface, I expect new templates will come up 
pretty quick.

Actually there's not much that needs to be done:
- an example template (extension)
- an extension that takes care of
    a) browsing and downloading new templates
    b) creating an example site structure
    c) selecting a new template for it

Importing a new site can be done easily using a T3D file:

Anyone who likes to work on this?

- michael
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