[TYPO3-project-4-3] Something for the roadmap to 4.3!

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Tue Nov 11 18:02:09 CET 2008

Hi Christopher,

Christopher schrieb:
> * checkbox "Secondary options" when editing content cannot be hidden
> * "Show clipboard" in filelist cannot be hidden
> * Same for "Show thumbnails"
> * Possibility to hide items in the toolbar at the top (shortcuts, search)
> * With shortcuts: Icon "Create shortcut" always visible
> * Possibility to hide "Mount as tree root" in context-menu

The above issues are all smaller feature requests concerning
configuration/customization of appearance for editors or a group of
editors. You're free to create feature requests in the bugtracker at
bugs.typo3.org with an accordant description and you can also provide an
initial patch that implements a feature.

> * Translation of hardcoded labels

This is the only issue I would consider to be put on the roadmap. The
translation of hardcoded stuff is in progress and of course there are
many more things to be fixed:

> and something else:
> * new pictures for the manual?!

That would be very nice, since the backend layout/design changed a lot
during the development of TYPO3 4.2. However, this is also a non-trivial
task, since good examples have to be prepared and have to fit the text
in the documentation. But I appreciate every volunteer on that.

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 4.3 Release Manager

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