[TYPO3-install] Guidelines to install in OSX/MAMP

Ruud Kuin rudi.kuin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 16:45:56 CET 2013

Hi all,

A little introduction;
My name is Ruud, married, 3 kids, graphics designer/publisher, live in Alkmaar, Holland. 

I really would love to shift from being a 'conventional designer' to a web designer.
When applying for a job I stumbled upon TYPO3 and was interested at once, looks promising, the tool I would need to make that shift!
So now I'd like to dig in on this CMS, if that's how TYPO3 should be considered...

I'd like to use TYPO3 on my MAC through MAMP, but I cannot find an easy to use guideline or -even better- a step-by-step video tutorial.
Of course I hope no one get's offended here, but I'd like to install it next to WordPress, as that's my tool of trade for the moment.

Could anyone point me out to such a guideline/tutorial?

Thanks in advance!

Regards, Ruud

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