[TYPO3-install] ISP Installation

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue Nov 14 11:23:38 CET 2006

Hello Lerager,

> I normaly use a Windows XP computer to my dayli tasks, but my homepage is
> hosted at an ISP on a Unix system. I don't have telnet access to the
> server, so I can't unpack the Unix version at my homepage server.
> How shall I then install TYPO3 ?
> Can I unpack the Windows version on my Windows PC and just ftp all files
> and directories to the server holding my homepage ?

Yes you can. The archives contain no differences except that the tar.gz
version contains some symbolic links for making upgrades easier.

> Or what, please tell me how to install on a Unix server you don't have
> telnet access to, using a Windows pc..


- michael
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