[TYPO3-install] Newbie: localconf.php is not found!

Kenneth Grandchamp kenneth.grandchamp at medecine.unige.ch
Tue Aug 29 10:58:01 CEST 2006

Matthew Manderson wrote:
> Yes another misguided newbie....

I'm sorry Mathew, but I don't think I'm misguided. Typo3 seems fabulous, 
but its terribly frustrating not to find the info one is looking for 
because its spread out all over the place. I installed EasySite on my 
ISP which has a fabulous install module that checks to see if it will 
run whith the PHP and MySQL settings of the server and installs 
everything without a hitch. One would expect the same from such a 
sophisticated package as Typo3.

>> There is no way Typo3 is going to become popular if there is such 
>> lousy documentation for the basic install ! It probably would only 
>> be a few lines and we don't even get that !  
> What makes you think TYPO3 is not already popular?

TYPO3 seems popular in Europe, but not in the US.

> A little look in your downloaded files will reveal an INSTALL.txt file full
> of more than just a few lines.

I of course DID look at all the readme and install files, and as I said 
I did copy the two directories typo3 and dummy to my account root, but 
nowhere does it say what to if one gets the message " localconf.php is 
not found!"

>> Why didn't they edit index.php in the first place to edit out the 
>> first error etcc...etc.. ? 
> For obvious security reasons.
OK I read about that last night. Sorry here. It may seem obvious to you 
who knows alot about unix, hacking, php and mysql, but not all of us do. 
We want to work with Typo3 and not become system administrators.

> Maybe an apology would be polite. Maybe next time you'll slow down and think
> first.
I will apologize for my angry tone of voice. But I still maintain that 
the documentation is spread out all over the place, and is not to the 
point and in the appropriate places when we need it.
Alot of us WANT to use Typo3, but DON't want to be system administrators 
and spend hours and days, or weeks looking for information that alot of 
you know !
Typo3 seems to fit what I want to do, set up a medical information site 
with proprietary database and language switching.
The video documentation seems FAbulous also, as is most of the 
documentation. But one shouldn't be blind to imperfections just because 
some other aspects are wonderful.

> We are mostly very friendly and considerate here.

I know ! You guys seem really great ! And doing a wonderful job with 
this great looking typo3 !
That's why I'm so frustrated you guys don't do a better job 
understanding us newbies and organising
the info better and make a better install module so we can get up and 
starting with TYPO3 !

> Good luck with your install.

Thanks Mathew and sorry about the tone. I just wish luck didn't have 
such a great part in setting up Typo3. ;)

Have a very nice day !


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