[TYPO3-GSoC] Re: Suggestion: TYPO3 modularize the BE-Configuration

Elmar Hinz t3elmar at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 24 19:42:14 CEST 2013

Hello Søren,

> Great topic! Thanks for bringing it up!

Lets call it Apple-Philosophie:

Take the maximum of usablility as guideline, not the maximum of features,
to make the people like your product.

Then sell many, little, cheap features for expensive money.

> If I understand you correctly, it's aiming at some configuration syntax
> like TSConfig, right 

Not another new syntax -- there is already a zoo,  
but bundling configuration settings to modules. 

It deals with TSConfig, TCA fields, RTE-Setup, modules visibility. 
Generally spoken it deals with everthing that leads to more text 
and more form elements in the backend, than the user actually 
wants to see and use.

It's about features visibility. The basic configuration should display
the minimum, not the maximum of features. Then choose your
feature bundels, to add more to your needs.

> and maybe remove the be_groups table as we know it
> today?

I would think of mapping be_groups to feauture bundles.

But that would already be the topic of research.

> Another chalenge/task would be
>  * How to "name" possibilities (actions, fields etc) in  a common way.



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