[TYPO3-german] Mehrere URLs und Linkprobleme

Florian Haake florian at haake24.net
Tue May 6 09:36:37 CEST 2014

Hallo liebe Community,

ich habe ein Problem mit meiner Typo3 Installation. Aktualisiert von 4.5 auf 6.2 (LTS) ohne zunächst größere Probleme. 
Vorher war die Seite über zwei Domains erreichbar domain.com und domain.de.

Nach der Aktualisierung auf 6.2 funktioniert mein realurl bzw. die Erkennung der Domains jedoch irgendwie nicht mehr. Innerhalb der De-Domain verweisen alle Links korrekt auf die de-Domain. Wenn man jedoch auf der com-Domain ist, dann ist die Startseite (also der erste Seitenaufruf) in englisch und korrekt. Die Links verweisen jedoch dann auf die de-Domain und öffnen sich in einem neuen Fenster. 

Ich habe nun versucht RealURL soweit ich konnte heraus zu nehmen. Das Umschreiben der URLs in sprechende Namen ist mir nicht so wichtig. Die Domains als solche müssen aber funktionieren... :-/ 

Beide Domains sind unter List, Home eingetragen.

RealURL ist noch installiert und aktiviert. Mein Template sieht nach vielem Experimentieren wie folgt aus (die realurl_autoconf.php habe ich mittlerweile nicht mehr - einen Effekt konnte ich nie erzielen.). Ich habe sehr viel herumprobiert (daher die vielen Kommentierungen)...

Die Config war der Versuch von RealURL wegzukommen hin zu config.absRefPrefix.

config {
    no_cache = 1
    sys_language_mode = content_fallback ; 1,0
    sys_language_overlay = 1
    sys_language_uid = 0
    language = de
    locale_all = de_DE at euro
    sendCacheHeaders = 1
    removeDefaultJS = external
    inlineStyle2TempFile = 1
    disablePrefixComment = 1
    noPageTitle = 2
    meaningfulTempFilePrefix = 100
    typolinkCheckRootline = 1
    extTarget = _blank
    headerComment (
    CSS Layout is based on the YAML-framework:  http://www.yaml.de

    # RealURL: ---------------------------------------
    #simulateStaticDocuments = 0
    #baseURL = http://www.domain.de/
    #config.baseURL= {$protocol}://{$host}/
    config.absRefPrefix = /
    reapplyAbsRefPrefix = true
    tx_realurl_enable = 0
    #prefixLocalAnchors = all
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    spamProtectEmailAddresses = -2
    spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst =  [aedt] 
    spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst =  [dot] 

    doctype = xhtml_trans
    xmlprologue = none
    xhtml_cleaning = all
    htmlTag_langKey = de

    # enable admin-panel
    admPanel = 1

# --------------------------------- Configuring the Auto-Parser for main template: -----#
plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 {
  content = FILE
  content.file = {$templatePath}{$templateFile}
  elements {
    BODY.all = 1
    BODY.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_BODY
    HEAD.all = 1
    HEAD.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_HEADER
    HEAD.rmTagSections = title

#    DIV.all = 1
    DIV.id.col1 = 1
    DIV.id.col2 = 1
    DIV.id.footer = 1
    DIV.id.search = 1

  relPathPrefix = {$templatePath}

# --------------------------------- Main TEMPLATE cObject for the BODY: ----------------#
temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
    template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
    workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
    marks {
        logopostfix = TEXT
        logopostfix.value =
        year = TEXT
        year.data = date:Y
        SEARCHWORD.value =
        SEARCHWORD.lang.en =
        FIND = TEXT
        FIND.value = Finden
        FIND.lang.en = Find
        PAGESTABLE.value = pages
        PAGESTABLE.lang.en = pages
        SEARCHLINK.value = suche
        SEARCHLINK.lang.en = search
        FDFX_SCROLLER < styles.content.getRight
    subparts {
        # menu
        menu1 < temp.mainMenu
        menu2 < temp.mainMenu
        menu2.special.value = 4
        menu2.1.wrap = <ul class="menu2"> | </ul>
        menu3 < temp.mainMenu
        menu3.special.value = 3
        menu3.1.wrap = <ul class="menu3"> | </ul>
        menu4 < temp.menu4
        search < temp.search

        # content
        col2 = COA
        col2.5 < temp.breadcrumb
        col2.10 < styles.content.get
        col2.stdWrap.wrap (
            <div id="col2_content" class="clearfix">
                <div id="col2_inner" class="floatbox">
                    <a id="content" name="content"></a>
                    <h1 class="hidden">Content</h1>
        col2.20 < temp.printlink

        # content
        rightcontent = COA
        rightcontent.10 < styles.content.getRight
#        rightcontent.10.slide = -1
        rightcontent.stdWrap.wrap (
            <div id="rightcontent" class="clearfix">
        rightcontent.stdWrap.required = 1

        footer < temp.mainMenu
        footer.special.value = 64
        footer.1.wrap = <ul class="footermenu"> | </ul>
#        footer.1.wrap = <div class="footercontent"><ul class="footermenu"> | </ul></div><div class="clearer"> </div>
        footer.1.wrap = <div class="footercontent"><table class="footermenu"><tr> | </tr></table></div><div class="clearer"> </div>
        footer.1.ACT >
        footer.1.CUR >
        footer.1.NO.wrapItemAndSub = <td>|</td>
        footer.1.NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 0
        footer.1.NO.stdWrap.cObject = COA
        footer.1.NO.stdWrap.cObject.wrap =
        footer.1.NO.stdWrap.cObject {
          10 = IMAGE
          10.file.import = uploads/media/
          10.file.import.field = media
          10.file.import.listNum = 0
          10.file.maxH = 50
          10.file.maxW = 100
          10.wrap = |<br />
          30 = TEXT
          30.field = subitle // title
#          30.wrap = <span>|</span>

# --------------------------------- Main TEMPLATE cObject for the HEAD: -----------------#
temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.headTemplate {
  template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER

# --------------------------------- Content Rendering: -----------------#
tt_content.div.value = <img class="seperator cseperator" src="fileadmin/template/img/sep-brown.gif">
lib.parseFunc_RTE.allowTags = b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,code
lib.parseFunc.allowTags = b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,code

# --------------------------------- Page Rendering: -----------------#
page = PAGE
page {
    # ------- Pageheader ------------
    headerData.1 = TEXT
    headerData.1.field = subtitle // title
    headerData.1.stdWrap.outerWrap = <title>...</title>
    headerData.1.stdWrap.outerWrap.override = <title>|</title>
    headerData.1.stdWrap.outerWrap.override.if.isTrue.field = subtitle
    headerData.1.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
    headerData.10  < temp.headTemplate
    headerData.11 = TEXT
    headerData.11.value = <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="de" />
    headerData.11.lang.en = <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />
    headerData.12 = TEXT
    headerData.15 = TEXT
    headerData.15.value (
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
    headerData.20 = TEXT
    headerData.20.value (
<link href="{$templatePath}central.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<link href="{$templatePath}css/patches/patch_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    headerData.40 = TEXT
    headerData.40.value = <script type="text/javascript" src="{$templatePath}scripts/search.js"></script>

    # ------- Pagebody ------------
    typeNum = 0
    bodyTag = <body>
    10 < temp.mainTemplate
    meta.KEYWORDS.field = keywords
    meta.DESCRIPTION.field = description

# -------------------------------- Conditions----------------------------------------------------

# hostnames
[globalString = IENV:HTTP_HOST = www.domain.com]
#    config.baseURL = www.domain.com/
    config.absRefPrefix = http://www.domain.com/
    page.meta.robots = noindex, nofollow
#    page.headerData.12 = TEXT
[globalString = IENV:HTTP_HOST = www.domain.de]
#    config.baseURL = http://www.domain.de/
     config.absRefPrefix = http://www.domain.de/
     page.meta.robots = noindex, nofollow

# not cached pages should not be indexed
[globalVar = GP:no_cache=1]
     page.meta.robots=noindex, nofollow

# use last word as searchword
[globalVar = GP:sword= ]
     page.10.marks.SEARCHWORD.value >
     page.10.marks.SEARCHWORD.data = GPvar : sword

# --------------------------------- language selector: ---------------------------------------- #
[globalString = ENV:HTTP_HOST=www.domain.com]
    config.sys_language_uid = 1
    config.language = en
    config.locale_all = en_EN
    config.htmlTag_langKey = en
    page.10.subparts.menu4.20.value = Deutsch
    page.10.marks.logopostfix.value = _en
    page.10.subparts.menu4.20.typolink.additionalParams = &LS=0&L=0
    page.10.subparts.col2.5.20.1.NO.linkWrap = back to: |
#    tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.wrap = <a href="javascript:close();"> | </a><p style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.wrap.en}</p>
    page.headerData.1.stdWrap.outerWrap = <title>...</title>

[globalVar = GP:L=1]
    config.sys_language_uid = 1
    config.language = en
    config.locale_all = en_EN
    config.htmlTag_langKey = en
    config.linkVars = L
    page.10.subparts.menu4.30.value = Deutsch
#    page.10.subparts.menu4.30.typolink.additionalParams = &LS=0&L=0
[globalVar = TSFE:id = 56]
    page.headerData.1.field = title
    page.headerData.1.stdWrap.outerWrap.override >

# -------------------------------- Modifications ----------------------------------------------------
#tt_content.search.20.allowedCols = pages.title-subtitle-keywords-description : pages_language_overlay.title-subtitle-keywords-description : tt_content.header-bodytext-imagecaption : tt_address.name-title-address-email-company-city-country : tt_links.title-note-note2-url : tt_board.subject-message-author-email : tt_calender.title-note : tt_products.title-note-itemnumber
#tt_content.search.20.languageField.pages_language_overlay = sys_language_uid

plugin.tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1.big.file.maxW = 800
plugin.tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1.big.file.maxH = 800

Habt ihr eine Idee wo oder warum bei mir der com-Zweig nicht erkannt wird oder nicht funktioniert?

Um Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.

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