[TYPO3-german] Probleme mit fbconnect in Typo3

Yvon Folz yvon.folz at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 11 16:28:22 CET 2010

Hallo Liste,

ich habe die Extension fbconnect installiert, werde aber leider aus der 
Readme nicht ganz schlau.

Allows Frontend user login using Facebook Connnect.


Create a Facebook Application at http://www.facebook.com/developers/

Install this extension.
Include static template "Facebook Connect (fbconnect)" in page template.
Use Template => Constant Editor => FBCONNECT to enter user storage page, 
Facebook API key and Facebook secret.
Use the supplied template, or copy it to /fileadmin/, edit, change 
location in Constant Editor.
Insert plugin next to normal login.
Wrap normal logout-button in javascript - see top of template file.

Ich hänge an "Insert plugin next to normal login."

Weiß jemand was ich genau tun muss?

Danke schon einmal im vorraus.

Gruß Yvon

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