[TYPO3-english] config.spamProtectEmailAddresses not working

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Wed Jan 13 11:32:04 CET 2016


TYPO3 6.2.17
Javascript spam protection of email link doesn't work. The email program 
isn't activated after clicking, nothing happens.

Chrome's inspector gives error:

2(program):1 Uncaught ReferenceError: linkTo_UnCryptMailto is not defined

What would be the best way to inspect what is wrong?

I'm not sure how long this malfunction has been, but I did recently 
update the core to 6.2.17.

I have as a basis the bootstrap_package and it's version 6.2.4. Now I 
haven't dared to update it, being afraid it breaks the site, but could 
it affect like this?

Kind regards,
Katja Lampela

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