[TYPO3-english] Resizing the images dynamically by TypoScript

Xavier Perseguers xavier.perseguers at typo3.org
Thu Oct 1 09:04:57 CEST 2015

On 30/09/15 14:24, Rozita Pourashraf wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I want to resize the images dynamically by TypoScript in Typo3.
> For that I get the width and height from WURFL extension. My code is:
> 10 = IMAGE
>   10.file = USER_INT
>   10.file.userFunc {
>     width = user_get_screen_width
>     height = user_get_screen_height
>     import = /fileadmin/templates/images/content/
>     import.field = image      }
> But nothing happens. Do you have any idea?

Your TS is fully wrong! If you read what is the type of "file" (line 2):


it's an "imgResource", so to use a userFunc, you should write

10.file.cObject = USER_INT

then, when you have a USER_INT, you need to define the userFunc, but not
the way you did, but by respecting what it expects:


so as a first step, the method in your code that should be called,
something like

10.file.cObject = USER_INT
10.file.cObject {
    userFunc = YourVendorName\SomeExtension\SomeClass->yourMethod
    // any other "variable" you want to get in your method

Now, I don't really see the point of trying to create a method that
populates fields of an IMAGE content object, so I would suggest to use
your USER_INT in the first place:

10.userFunc = Pourashraf\DynamicImages\Resizer->processImage
10.foo = 124

file typo3conf/ext/dynamic_images/Classes/Resizer.php:

namespace Pourashraf\DynamicImages;
class Resizer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin
    public function processImage($content, array $conf)
        // Retrieve config from TS:
        $fooValue = $conf['foo'];

	// Create a dynamic image
        $imageConfiguration = array(
            'file' => 'fileadmin/whatever.jpg',	// old way of
referencing an image but you get the point
            // Any other TypoScript option you want (resize, ...)
        $html = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle('IMAGE', $imageConfiguration);

        return $html;


Xavier Perseguers

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