[TYPO3-english] Re: Import from tt_news into tx_news fails

Sebastian Jung onlinestores at jungeheuer.de
Mon Jun 2 13:54:57 CEST 2014


I get the same JavaScript alert saying "error" when trying to import the tt_news records. I'm running news  3.0.0 and  news_ttnewsimport 1.0.1 freshly installed via git on a Typo3 6.2.2 installation. tt_news is installed from TER version 3.6.0

I have copied the news entries of tt_news from a really old tt_news installation on a different typo3 system by direct database operations via phpmyadmin. However, the new typo3-system is working fine and showing content on the FE as expected. So I assume that this is not part of the problem.

The category importer works fine, but when choosing the importer for the news-entries from the dropdown, it wont work.

I'm not very familiar with all the typo3-stuff, I am just doing this as a leisure project for our nonprofit association. So please excuse if I missed relevant information. Does anyone have an idea, what could have gone wrong here?

Thanks and Best Regards,

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