[TYPO3-english] 4.5.37: Selenium makes the ObjectManager / ClassInfoCache crash (lost DB-connection?!)

Christian Stüdemann typo3.v01 at christian-stuedemann.de
Thu Dec 4 19:04:30 CET 2014

Dear community,

I found (but didn't solve yet) the part of the source code that leads to 
this error: PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::runBare() calls 
PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState::backupGlobals() before testing and 
PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState::restoreGlobals() afterwards. The restore does 
not restore the DB link resource of GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] correctly, which 
leads to a broken DB connection after the test.

Solutions can be (not proved yet):
a) avoid the problem by running inIsolation=TRUE or 
runTestInSeparateProcess=TRUE or by setting backupGlobals=FALSE.
b) create a new DB connection before running the next test
c) check/correct the backup/restore methods

c) would be greatest, but is a change in the core system.
a) and b) are changes within config / own test code with unknown 
effects. Need to test this.

Is this known as a bug already?

Best regards,

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