[TYPO3-english] Support the CodeSprint for TV/T3 V6.2

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Wed Jun 19 02:03:17 CEST 2013

Hi Christian

I am a user of TV myself for long long time but one suggestion here:

Why not use the funding to get the TV Features into Themes! Get it working
with the great stuff of Claus Due and Joey and put the effort of TYPO3
Templating guys together again instead of continuing the templatwar. Themes
will be a very good replacement for TV.


Download the Vagrant and test it yourself and for sure you will like it ;-)
Your customers don't need to fear anything - even the look is getting
better and it is much more flexible than TV - I was skeptical myself but
test it and you will see the great chance in getting TYPO3 having a much
more powerful new way of getting Themes up and running - best of all your
customers and the agencies can still use their TV Templates - an adapter
for tv framework skins is already working and there is also one for
wordpress templates.

In my opinion customers should get the best for the future and this is NOT
TemplaVoila as the future of TemplaVoila is more or less in the stars. Also
a Code Sprint would only extend the time until it dies. Fortunately there
is already an excellent replacement - Themes - Show it to your customers
and instead of doing a Code Sprint to extend the live span of the dying TV,
empower and speedup the development of the future solution.

Benefits for customers:

He don't has to worry about a next update and that TV breaks again and
again even with any smaller interim releases. The past months have shown
that TV is the greatest Tool what IMHO TYPO3 ever had but it is out of
time! and meanwhile we have equivalent alternatives which will reduce costs
for agencies - and they can give those reduced costs further to their
customers (or they have themselves more income).

All content from existing TYPO3 TV projects can be imported to Themes as
long as the extensions you are using are still working in 6.0.6+ even your
complete site!

Themes has already more standard FCEs available incl all of TVFW - than
ever existed in Framework for TemplaVoila.
All FCEs are currently using bootstrap and Less which will make your CSS
easier to edit and to reuse and the css files much smaller and faster
loading - which will make your customers Happy. Of course you can create
also Templates easily with SASS or any other CSS methode.

In the Themes Builder you can actually build your theme (this feature is
not existing in TV)
Soon the already mapping Tool will be integrated too and than you can Map
also custom stuff easily and actually much easier than you were ever able
to map in TV.

So IMHO as sad as it is IMHO as a customer I would support THEMES /
Fluidcontent/pages / Gridelements etc rather than extending the lifespan of
TV! I really recommend to give THEMES a try and testing

Kay is very responsive to requests and suggestions and the same applies
right now also to Claus, Joey, Fabien etc and if they put their heads
together you will have much more until 6.2LTS than TV had ever before - and
it will work!


On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Christian Tauscher <
christian.tauscher at media-distillery.de> wrote:

> Hi all of you out there, using TV.
> I guess, you all have red this:
> http://blog.tolleiv.de/2013/06/templavoila-future/
> I am using TV in nearly all of my projects, many other
> Developers/Agencys/Nerds do so, too.
> I read the "[TYPO3-templavoila] TemplaVoila future..." discussion with
> fear.
> The bad news from Tolleiv did hid me like a hammer.
> But I understand the reasons why Tolleiv wants to quit.
> I did always wounder how 1 Person could do the job for such a big
> extention.
> More than 320000 donwloads have been count at TER up to now.
> Its not only some small EXT you could let die and knowbody knows.
> What could I do? I am not a coder.
> I think Phillip Game was first: there was the idea of a CodeSprint to
> solve the biggest problems and help raisung the Code to T3V6.2.
> And now comes my part (yours?):
> *** I have raised 500€ to support this CodeSprint. ***
> *** Compuart.com hase raised an other 500€ ***
> This is a 1000€ start. What could you to contribute, so that the coders
> will have a paid bed and food and maybe travel to a hotel where this
> event can be held.
> 5€ is more than Nothing and 50€ is more than 5....
> Everything helps.
> I have no experience yet with organisation of a CodeSprint, but I will
> find out!
> For the first part:
> If you are a gifted Coder and you know TV and the Core: Get in contact
> with Tolleiv.
> If you are willing to donate some mone, drop me a line with you amount:
>         savetv at t3m.de
> Don't transfer money to me directly, I will give you notice.
> Thanks for your help and support and stay tuned!
> Christian.
> ---
> T h e   M e d i a   D i s t i l l e r y
>          - Medienproduktion -
> Christian Tauscher                  Certified TYPO3 Integrator
> An den Wiesenzäunen 15                 Telefon: 07562 / 912487
> 88316 Isny i. A.                       Mobil: 0177 / 250 41 55
> http://www.media-distillery.de mailto:info at media-distillery.de
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