[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 6.2 which Extensions will still work?

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Tue Jun 11 10:33:27 CEST 2013

> Georg Ringer wrote:
> that the web evolves, TYPO3 evolves and extensions change. It was not my
> decission that mootools is more or less dead and jquery the big star. I
> got a new version of rgsmoothgallery on
> https://github.com/georgringer/rgsmoothgallery which is completly new
> and jquery based.

Thanks for the tip!

> > They are very happy with the way they can Create their own look of the
> > website easily using the framework for templavoila. They like tt_news as
> it
> > is similar to tt_products.
> and I bet there are 100 agencies having the same issues. If every agency
> invests a little time/money, a maintainer could be found. I doubt you
> need more features but just a maintainer.

The main problem is actually the GAME - Do all those extensions play nicely
with each other on a longterm base.
Many extensions in TER don't get maintained at all anymore because the
developer was a student and changed his field of work. You are a big
exception here Georg which is really appreciated.

> A switch to TYPO3 6.1 isn't easy at all as
> > said already
> didn't have many problems myself.

Well you are Standard Templating while we use TemplaVoila! And our
customers like TemplaVoila! Since months I work together with kay and he
did some really great stuff together and I hope a package will be ready for
testing soon. If Oliver could help to integrate his Mapping Tool right the
way into Themes it could be a great chance to get all those different
Template Methods together to ONE really powerful Templating - actually
Theming and I would say even Site Building Machine.

> > Since today we stopped our TV development completely as it does not make
> > sense at all to sell customers things which they would need to update
> right
> > the way to very high costs!
> I wouldn't stop that fast but just IMHO

Well it does not make sense to continue as long as there is no solution how
it is actually going on. What happened in Stuttgart wasn't nice at all and
even Peter Proell felled uncomfortable like others too. It happened and
this is what it is and because it happened people think that it might
happen again and again like all the years actually before on the
Mailinglists about Templating.

> > Instead we focus on helping customers to find a
> > good solutions specific to each one is specific and different.
> I expected that you did this already? having the best solution for the
> customer and not the solution which fits you the best? ;)

Yes you are right as since months we are working with Ron Halls new
Framework for TemplaVoila which is really great stuff and we started to
have a Fall back solution getting as many ideas as possible into Themes.

> > I guess
> > under the current circumstances probably 50% will continue using TYPO3
> > until the 4.5LTS stops running and others will move on to other
> Solutions!
> I doubt. have you looked at the mapping extension of oliver Hader? I got
> some ideas for that as well.

It is simply a question of time and timing. Remember as it was said TYPO3 5
will come out and it was getting one year more and one year more and ....
This was actually the main Problem for TYPO3! It took much to long to get a
working Package out.

In 2004 we had the same situation as TemplaVoila and TYPO3 was a great CMS
already but it was more or less unusable for people who were no hard core
devs. Now TYPO3 6.* is getting back to exactly this period.

It was the WEC Starter Package which really changed the TYPO3 world and
later Cooluri. WEC brought up TV to what it is right now - the best thing
for Content Creators ever invented for a CMS - and Designers love it too.
Cooluri as it was always a ready to go solution. Now we have again the same
situation TV is not working in 6.2 and Realurl already has its problems.

In 6.2 we installed Cooluri again which is helping a lot!

> >Let's see and hope the best! TYPO3 without Templavoila seems to be dying
> if
> > not a similar flexible and easy to use alternative will be presented
> soon.
> > Sad!
> It is sad that people always write such strong words. Do you really
> think that makes it better for anyone? We all really *care*!

Well Georg, as already said you are an exception. Take the great sp_gallery
- well forget it in 6.1 as no more response from the Dev. and there are
more examples like this.

> Alternatives are getting done all the time. As an example, take a look
> at those changelogs
> EXT:news http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-news/activity
> => There are changes daily! I respond most of the time < 24hours
> EXT:mapping https://github.com/ohader/mapping/commits/master
> => Regular changes too (of course it is still a bit more than a draft
> but it works)
> You can start to use those alternatives, contribute ideas, ... you know
> how it works ;)

As already said i do this since years - contributing a lot of ideas and I
hope THEMES will be getting the Site maker for TYPO3.

I discuss the current state of Themes often with my customers and still it
is not as comfortable like TemplaVoila even it has much more features and
possibilities. But we are getting there and Kay is a great developer
getting those ideas into code.

If now Joh will integrate Gridelements in here and Oliver his Mapping tool
asap than we can start testing and building a package similar to the one we
had for the WEC in 2004 and we not even would need to change to much.

I hoped and still hope that Dirk will get his organizer up and running with
powermail and a small shopping cart in TYPO3 6.2 as than the package could
contain just this and I am sure people will be happy in using it and start
loving TYPO3 again.

Why Dirks Organizer - because it is installed in some seconds and it
features everything what a website needs incl. a shop! Only a Gallery is
actually not in there! News, Calendar, Events, Ticketing, PDF Download,
GoogleMaps, Shoping Cart, Contact Form, Company/Department Directory,
People Directory, Powermail, RealUrl, Browser, great SEO and Social media
Connectivity, even the possibility to create a facebook Page out of the
content easily.

If people than start playing around with this solution they will get
interested in more and this is than when the big extensions come in. I hope
Themes will help to get this running. It is like Kian Gould said. We need a
good and Easy to go package! Like the others who are good in those Starting


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