[TYPO3-english] alwaysActivePIDlist problem

Adrian Marcinkowski ad1822 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 20:36:52 CET 2013

Hi list,
I try to build the standard menu in TS. My tree looks like this:

-Root pape - Home (id=1)
---Home - shortcut to root (id=2)
---subpage 2 (id=3)
---subpage 3 (id=4)

I have this TS for that menu:

temp.main_menu = HMENU
temp.main_menu.entryLevel = 0
    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        wrap = <nav id="main_menu"><ul>|</ul></nav>
        alwaysActivePIDlist = 2
        expAll = 1
        NO = 1
        NO {
            ATagTitle {
                field = title
                fieldRequired = nav_title
            wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>
            stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
        ACT < .NO
        ACT {
            ATagParams = class="active"
        CUR < .NO
        CUR {
            ATagParams = class="selected"

The menu looks and works ok, but I can't set the the active state for home
item, using alwaysActivePIDlist.

I would be greateful for your help,

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