[TYPO3-english] Load extbase plugin with typoscript in TYPO3 6.0

Bas van der Togt b.vandertogt at profinit.com
Thu Jan 3 20:01:04 CET 2013

Hello list,

I've search the web allready and tried different approuches but without 
success. I'm trying to load my extbase extension with typoscript in 
TYPO3 6.0

Can somebody tell me what i'm doing wrong?

My Layout:
<div class="container_12">
     <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.header" />
     <f:render section="Body" />
     <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.footer" />

My TS:
lib.header = USER
lib.header {
     userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
     extensionName = Og
     pluginName = Header

My ext_localconf.php:
     'TYPO3.' . $_EXTKEY,
         'Header' => 'index',
     // non-cacheable actions
         'Header' => '',

My Classes/Controller/HeaderController.php
class HeaderController extends 
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {

      * action index
      * @return void
     public function indexAction() {
         echo 'bla';


I get this error all the time:
#1289386765: Could not analyse class:Tx_Og_Controller_HeaderController 
maybe not loaded or no autoloader?


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