[TYPO3-english] TypoScript editing with jEdit

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Fri May 25 00:37:00 CEST 2012

Hi Guiseppe,

The extension jeditvfs is very, very old (2006) and hasn't been maintained 
since. I have tried it in 2006 or 2007 and already back then there were problems 
with version compatibilities between TYPO3, jEdit and some addtional libraries 
for the vfs iirc.
It was an interesting idea, but apparently hard to get stable and/or maintain.

Just forget about it. Just store your Typoscript in files and use an external 
editor with a Typoscript plugin. Cross-platform you can use jEdit, Netbeans or 
Phpstorm for that, on Windows you also have Notepad++. There may be others that 
I don't know of.

If you want to edit those files directly on a remote server (if you really want 
to do that, I hope it's a development server then and not your live system) then 
you can set up a remote file share with sshfs/fuse (available for linux and mac, 
I guess there's something similar for Windows) which makes your remote files 
editable as if they were local.

jEdit also has a sftp plugin specifically for directly editing files on remote 
systems, so you don't need the other sshfs/fuse thing. But if you want to take 
it seriously, I would consider using an IDE like Netbeans or Phpstorm and not 
work on remote files directly but develop locally and only deploy to a server 
when you know it works.


On 05/24/2012 02:39 PM, Giuseppe wrote:
> Today, I discovered an interesting thing under Typo3 with the extension
> jeditvfs, but I can't get it to work.
> Somebody use it? I installed the extension (ignoring PHP and TYPO3 versions
> warnings), and, in ROOT template (Introductory Package), I added the lines...
> jeditpage = PAGE
> jeditpage.typeNum = 761
> jeditpage.config {
> no_cache = 1
> pageGenScript=EXT:jeditvfs/server.php
> admPanel = 0
> }
> .....after the includes.
> jEdit is giving an error about Failed to parse server response. Content is not
> allowed at prologue.
> Is the extension working and is my mistake? or this extension is outdated and
> does'nt works anymore?
> For a newbie like me in T3, it's very interesting the possibility to edit
> remotely and change between files from the TS Explorer (jEdit) to understand how
> Typoscript and templates works.
> (*) http://wiki.typo3.org/Enhanced_TypoScript_editing_with_the_jEdit_editor

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