[TYPO3-english] EM 6.0: Unusuable for production sites?

Alessandro Tuveri at at uniud.it
Wed Dec 5 12:08:20 CET 2012

Quoting Stefano Cecere <scecere at krur.com>:

Than you Stefano

>>> * GLOBAL/LOCAL INSTALL; there is no way to select the folder where I
>> need/wanto install into. This is very annoying and many people wrote in
>> the past to maintain this feature; otherwise I'm (and many other) forced
>> to change +ext site-per-site with several time wasted....
> it seems that global exts are discouraged (this topic has already  
> been talked) we should manage them via shell)

OK, I know this issue but ..... why the INSTALLER continues to display  
the choice 'allowGlobalInstall'.

Moreover: I hope there is a way to continue with GLOBAL, otherwise it  
is very difficult and expensive manage many TYPO3 sites. This is  
needed for some Web Agencies as stated in the previous messages.


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