[TYPO3-english] maxItems for tt_content.uploads.20

Gernot Hofer g.hofer at inet-solutions.at
Sat Aug 4 21:48:31 CEST 2012

hi all!

i could not find any hint to select the last 5 uploaded files for the fe with "file links"

like: tt_content.uploads.20.select.max = 5

the contentelement should give only the last five uploaded files in the fe-list

in the content element is the path: "fileadmin/media/mediathek/* ||date|r" selected

it is working but i get a huge list of files....
i hope someone can give me a hint!



tt_content.uploads.20.linkProc.alternativeIconPath = fileadmin/ext/css_filelinks/
tt_content.uploads.20.linkProc.iconCObject = IMAGE
tt_content.uploads.20.linkProc.iconCObject.makeThumbs = 1
tt_content.uploads.20.linkProc.iconCObject.file.width = 80
tt_content.uploads.20.linkProc.iconCObject.file.height = 80c
tt_content.uploads.20.title.trimExt = 0
tt_content.uploads.20.layout >
tt_content.uploads.20.layout {
  global = <form method="POST" action="zip.php"><ul class="filelinks downloads dealer_rep"><li><input type="checkbox" name="all" class="all"> Select all</li>###FILE###<li><div class="small">To save a file to disk please right click on the download link and choose "save as".<br/><br/></div><input type="submit" value="Download selected files as ZIP"></li></ul></form>
  file = <li><div class="left"><div class="file_icon">###COUNTER###:<img src="fileadmin/ext/css_filelinks/###FILETYPE###.png" border="0" alt="###FILETYPE###"></div><a href="###URL###" class="lightbox">###ICON###</a></div>###TITLE###<div class="small">Type: ###FILETYPE###, Filesize: ###SIZE### ###SIZEFORMAT### ###FILECREATE###<span class="###FILETYPE###_hidden">, Size: ###HPIXELS###x###VPIXELS###px</span></div><a href="###URL###" class="lightbox view">View</a><a href="###URL###" class="show download" ###TARGET###>Download</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="checkbox[]" type="checkbox" value="###URL###"> Select<div class="clear"></div></li>
  userMarker.dam {
    FILETYPE = file_type
    HPIXELS = hpixels
    VPIXELS = vpixels
    FILECREATE = file_mtime
    FILECREATE.stdWrap = 1
    FILECREATE.stdWrap.date = d.m.Y - H:i\h
  fileSize {
    layout = (###SIZE### ###SIZEFORMAT###)
    char = lower
    format = auto
    desc = b|kb|mb|gb
    round = 0

typo3: v4.5.17
css_style_content: v1.0.0
css_filelinks:	v0.2.19
dam: v1.3.0

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Gernot Hofer

Certified TYPO3 Integrator


iNet-solutions - IT Dienstleistungen
Leystrasse 159/2.14
A-1020 Wien
mobil: 0043 699 1286 39 69
skype: aphex13
web: www.inet-solutions.at
mail: g.hofer at inet-solutions.at

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