[TYPO3-english] ig_ldap_sso_auth issue

Hebus.JD hebus.jd at free.fr
Mon Nov 8 09:50:37 CET 2010

Le 06/11/2010 08:16, Xavier Perseguers a écrit :
> Hi Hebus.JD,
>> I'm new on typo3, and I have to CASify a typo3.
>> I'm using Typo3 4.3.7, a CAS server 3.4.3 along with an Active Directory
>> 2003, and the quickstart site provided with the typo3 installer for my
>> tests.
>> I followed the tutorial on
>> http://xavier.perseguers.ch/tutoriels/typo3/articles/ldapactive-directory.html, 
>> and I manage to acces to my CAS server, but there are somes issues :
>> -When I'm accessing to the login page (on the bigfeet site), I type any
>> login and password (even wrong ones) and I'm redirected to my CAS server
>> where I have to type a valid login to get back to my site authenticated.
>> Is there a way to go through the CAS Server in a transparent way?
>> -When I'm clicking on the logout button, I'm redirected to the CAS
>> Server (with an address like
>> http://localhost:8081/cas/logout?service=http://localhost:8503/index.php?id=19) 
>> but it doesn't go back to the site.
> Seems like either a misconfiguration of the CAS server or some 
> incompatibility with the extension which does not properly encode the 
> parameters for the CAS server.
> Although author of the aforementioned tutorial, I never had to 
> integrate with a CAS server between TYPO3 and the AD. As such I won't 
> be able to help you.
> Perhaps Michael (leader of the extension), if reading this thread may 
> put some light on this behavior because he actually added and used 
> this feature.
> Regards
> Xavier
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Another issue I'm dealing with :
When I'm adding the CAS component on a page of my frontend, There is 
nothing but the title that is displayed, and the following in the source :

	<!--  CONTENT ELEMENT, uid:11/list [begin] -->
		<div id="c11" class="csc-default">
		<!--  Header: [begin] -->
			<div class="csc-header csc-header-n2"><h1>CAS</h1></div>
		<!--  Header: [end] -->
		<!--  Plugin inserted: [begin] -->


		BEGIN: Content of extension "ig_ldap_sso_auth", plugin "tx_igldapssoauth_pi1"

	<div class="tx-igldapssoauth-pi1">

	<!-- END: Content of extension "ig_ldap_sso_auth", plugin "tx_igldapssoauth_pi1" -->

		<!--  Plugin inserted: [end] -->
	<!--  CONTENT ELEMENT, uid:11/list [end] -->

What did I do wrong or misunderstood ?

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