[TYPO3-english] beginner to plugin development

bernd wilke t3ng at pi-phi.tk
Tue Feb 16 13:59:40 CET 2010

Am Mon, 15 Feb 2010 23:34:53 +0100 schrieb Stefano Kowalke:

> Besides the very good book from Dmitry and for completeness maybe this
> book [1] could interest you. But only if you understand german.
> Its about the new extbase (mvc) and fluid (template system) extensions,
> written by the authors from extbase and fluid.
> [1] http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/typo3extger/
> Stefano

does this book really exists already?
it says "1. Auflage April 2010". in english: the first release will be in 
april 2010 (= in two month) 

amazon says "april, 30th"

beside this amazon has more (german) books to come, which may include 
explanations to extbase (all in april):




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