[TYPO3-english] There are %s reference(s) to this record!

Raymond Irwin raymond.irwin at freenet.de
Sat Sep 19 16:08:42 CEST 2009

Hi everybody,

In a multi-be user setup were different user groups work on separate 
parts of the page tree it would be nice to have a function that allows 
editors from one branch of the tree to easily identify pages and their 
respective owners containing links that would be broken in case a 
certain page in their own db mount was deleted.

The current message shown when trying to delete a page with references 
is cryptical and neither provides information on the pid nor the 
owner(s) of the page(s) containing the reference.

This is what we have now: "Are you sure you want to delete "pagetitle"? 
(There are X reference(s) to this record!)

Via list module and info an administrator can easily find the respective 
content element and uid containing the link, but what I am looking for 
would be an advanced message pop-up for editors containing information 
on pid, title and owner, possibly even email from the be_user table, of 
those pages where links would break.

With this an editor deleting a page with references could easily contact 
those in charge of the referencing pages to make sure links and the text 
sourrounding them are appropriately updated or removed.

Has anyone encountered this problem, found a solution or maybe written 
an extension? Any ideas or pointers are much appreciated.

Cheers, Raymond

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