[TYPO3-english] No thumbnails in BE

David ARNOULT - Edition & Internet Operations d.arnoult at topsolid.com
Thu Nov 12 09:58:13 CET 2009



It happens something weird on my instance.

I cannot make thumbnail working in my BE on my 4.2.6. It is just an empty

All images are working fine in FE/RTE and installation image tests are all
perfect, all folder/binaries permissions are OK.

I have tested with latest IM or GM, different values in localconf etc but
with no result. 


Server is Windows 2003/Apache 2/MySql 4.1/PHP 5.2.9 with php_imagick
extension loaded.


Thumbnail link seems to be fine :

<img height="35" width="56" title="TS7on Windows7 3" alt="TS7on Windows7 3"


Editing thumbs.php does not seem to be very helpful.


Any idea guys to debug this?


Thanks for your expertise



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