[TYPO3-english] RealURL / Multidomain / Multilang

DerMediamatiker dermediamatiker at gmail.com
Mon May 25 17:37:52 CEST 2009

*Hi there *

I have TYPO3 Ver. 4.2.6 and RealURL Ver. 1.5.3!

I tried to setup a multidomain, multi language onePageTree Website.

It all worked great but I have one small problem with realURL:

It takes every time the German Site Title for the navigation:

*Example: *(Links don’t work for you, they are on a dev. server)**





*But it shuold be*: (This url is available):


Any idea?

Many thanks!

King Regards

Fabian Fischer


# Spracheinstellungen


config.linkVars= L

config.sys_language_uid = 0

config.locale_all = de_DE

config.language = de

config.index_enable = 1

plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 0

config.baseURL = http://msgesellschaft.dev.futurecom.ch/

[globalVar = GP:L = 1]

config.sys_language_uid = 1

config.locale_all = fr

config.language = fr

plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 1

config.baseURL = http://societescleroseenplaques.dev.futurecom.ch/


[globalVar = GP:L = 2]

config.sys_language_uid = 2

config.locale_all = it

config.language = it

plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 2

config.baseURL = http://sclerosimultipla.dev.futurecom.ch/


config.uniqueLinkVars = 1

#Fallback, wenn keine Sprache gewält ist, oder eine falsche..

page.config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback

#page.config.sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated




config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0

config.prefixLocalAnchors = all

config.tx_realurl_enable = 1




 * aeUrlTool default realurl configuration

 * based on realurl-configuration of news.typo3.org

 *         http://news.typo3.org/about/realurl-configuration/



$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array (

    '_DEFAULT' => array (

        'init' => array (

            'enableCHashCache' => '1',

            'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile',

            'enableUrlDecodeCache' => '1',

            'enableUrlEncodeCache' => '1',


        'redirects' => array (


        'preVars' => array (

            '0' => array (

                'GETvar' => 'no_cache',

                'valueMap' => array (

                    'nc' => '1',


                'noMatch' => 'bypass'


            '1' => array (

                'GETvar' => 'L',

                'valueMap' => array (

                    'de' => '0',

                    'fr' => '1',

                    'it' => '2',


                'noMatch' => 'bypass',


            '2' => array (

                'GETvar' => 'lang',

                'valueMap' => array (

                    'de' => 'de',

                    'fr' => 'fr',

                    'it' => 'it',


                'noMatch' => 'bypass',



        'pagePath' => array (

            'type' => 'user',

            'userFunc' =>

            'spaceCharacter' => '-',

            'languageGetVar' => 'L',

            'expireDays' => '7',

            'rootpage_id' => '2',


        'fixedPostVars' => array (


        'postVarSets' => array (

            '_DEFAULT' => array (

                'archive' => array (

                    '0' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[year]',


                    '1' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[month]',

                        'valueMap' => array (

                            'january' => '01',

                            'february' => '02',

                            'march' => '03',

                            'april' => '04',

                            'may' => '05',

                            'june' => '06',

                            'july' => '07',

                            'august' => '08',

                            'september' => '09',

                            'october' => '10',

                            'november' => '11',

                            'december' => '12',




                'browse' => array (

                    '0' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[pointer]',



                'select_category' => array (

                    '0' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[cat]',



                'article' => array (

                    '0' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]',

                        'lookUpTable' => array (

                            'table' => 'tt_news',

                            'id_field' => 'uid',

                            'alias_field' => 'title',

                            'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',

                            'useUniqueCache' => '1',

                            'useUniqueCache_conf' => array (

                                'strtolower' => '1',

                                'spaceCharacter' => '-',




                    '1' => array (

                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[swords]',





        'fileName' => array (


// if you don't want .html-URLs set the following to "false" (e.g.
'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => false,)

// then you get http://www.yourdomain.com/imprint/ instead of


            'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => true,

            'index' => array (

                'rss.xml' => array (

                    'keyValues' => array (

                        'type' => '100',



                'rss091.xml' => array (

                    'keyValues' => array (

                        'type' => '101',



                'rdf.xml' => array (

                    'keyValues' => array (

                        'type' => '102',



                'atom.xml' => array (

                    'keyValues' => array (

                        'type' => '103',







$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['_DOMAINS'] = array(

'encode' => array(


'GETvar' => 'L',

'value' => '',

'ifDifferentToCurrent' => true,

'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',

'urlPrepend' => 'http://msgesellschaft.dev.futurecom.ch',



// wichtig! RealURL bemerkt nicht automatisch, dass ein

//fehlender L Parameter und L=0 idenitisch sind!

'GETvar' => 'L',

'value' => '0',

'ifDifferentToCurrent' => true,

'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',

'urlPrepend' => 'http://msgesellschaft.dev.futurecom.ch',



'GETvar' => 'L',

'value' => '1',

'ifDifferentToCurrent' => true,

'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',

'urlPrepend' => 'http://societescleroseenplaques.dev.futurecom.ch',



'GETvar' => 'L',

'value' => '2',

'ifDifferentToCurrent' => true,

'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',

'urlPrepend' => 'http://sclerosimultipla.dev.futurecom.ch',



'decode' => array(

'msgesellschaft.dev.futurecom.ch' => array(

'GETvars' => array(

'L' => '',


'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',


'http://msgesellschaft.dev.futurecom.ch' => array(

'GETvars' => array(

'L' => '',


'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',


//Domains immer mit und ohne www. angeben

'societescleroseenplaques.dev.futurecom.ch' => array(

'GETvars' => array(

'L' => '1',


'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',


'http://societescleroseenplaques.dev.futurecom.ch' => array(

'GETvars' => array(

'L' => '1',


'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',


'sclerosimultipla.dev.futurecom.ch' => array(

'GETvars' => array(

'L' => '2',


'useConfiguration' => '_DEFAULT',





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