[TYPO3-english] [TYPO3] Deprecation files in typo3conf

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Mon May 25 09:58:48 CEST 2009


I believe some work has/is being done in this area where the log can  
be turned on and off in the install tool.

On May 25, 2009, at 12:14 AM, Andreas Becker wrote:

> Erik
> we tested now some sites on the alpha3 Version and have even more  
> problems
> with this logging.
> As soon as we delete a large logfile the site is loading fast again,  
> so
> there seems to be something slowing down the loading of sites by these
> logfiles.
> Is the logfile below 10.000 it loads fine but as soon as it is getting
> higher than 100.000.000 it slows totally down and at 400.000.000 it  
> is more
> or less standing and no more loading.
> It would be really good if somebody would know a way how we could  
> deactivate
> this logging.
> Also I am rally not sure what the process should be for those log  
> files?
> Who is analyzing it?
> Take i.e. TemplaVoila one of the major extensions and lot of others  
> have
> same problems. Should we all send our logfiles now to Dmitry so that  
> he can
> change the deprecated function? I guess he won't be very happy about  
> this?
> IMHO it would be much better to have this logging as an option so  
> that the
> extension developers themselves can check their own extensions and  
> change
> them as soon as possible so that at least with starting of the BETA  
> releases
> this deprecated files will more or less be empty!
> If I would sit down and write up on a website which extensions are  
> affected
> this would be a huge list of major extensions used in thousands of  
> websites. If we would do this website on a central place we could  
> collect
> all deprecated functions sorted by extension name but it would more  
> or less
> also demonstrate that TYPO3 seems some kind of an old grandmother  
> waiting to
> jump into the pool to be young again. This can't be the way of  
> getting rid
> of these deprecated extensions and functions.
> Is there some kind of Death Line where those deprecated functions  
> should
> have been removed? and will Extensions still having those deprecated
> function been simply deleted in TER to get a better overview?
> Perhaps it would be good simply to warn people from downloading/ 
> updating
> Extensions from TER which still have deprecated functions. i.e. by  
> putting a
> simple Imageoverlay to those extensions like : "contains deprecated
> functions - use with care in 4.3"
> If the logging is only to write a nice huge logfile and nothing more  
> it is
> IMHO more or less really useless!
> And should be deactivated by default and an option to use it.
> Andi
> 2009/5/19 Erik Svendsen <erik at linnearad.no>
>> Hi!
>> Andreas Becker skrev:
>>> Hi All deprecation_bcc94f0ef4.log In TYPO3conf lots of these  
>>> deprecation
>> log
>>> files get written. What is it all about as they slow down the  
>>> loading
>>> process completly! some of those files on one of our customer site  
>>> is
>>> 333,341,314 big huge! It shows lots of records from TemplaVoila  
>>> and some
>>> other extensions. Here is a shorter view inside - did not list  
>>> complete:
>>> (its about 10 - 20 times as long I guess!)
>> As far as I know, they don't slow down anything. It's only logs and  
>> are
>> only written to. The size doesn't matter as it's not being read.  
>> You can
>> delete them if you want.
>>>> Integrated logging of calls to deprecated functions
>>> A deprecation log has been introduced to track calls to
>> deprecated/outdated
>>>> methods in the TYPO3 Core. Developers have to make sure to adjust  
>>>> their
>> code
>>>> to avoid using this old functionality since deprecated methods  
>>>> will be
>>>> removed in future TYPO3 releases.
>>> http://news.typo3.org/news/article/typo3-43-alpha-2/
>>> When you see what extensions are in there than it seems most of  
>>> TYPO3
>> needs
>>> to be overhault ;-) especially TemplaVoila!
>> Read what this log are doing. It's a way to track down Extensions  
>> which
>> are using depreceated methods (and also other places where  
>> depreceated
>> Methods are used).
>> As a lot of these changes in core are new (in TYPO3 4.2/4.3) it's
>> logical that a lot of extensions will use depreceated methods and  
>> throw
>> a line in the log.
>> As I can see every TemplaVoila message is refering to one depreceated
>> method, t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName().
>> As t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName() is depreceated in 4.3, you  
>> can't
>> expect that extensions which aren't updateted to work with 4.3  
>> changes
>> in 4.3 don't have a large possibility to throw an "message" like  
>> this.
>> Remember a lot of extensions are years old.
>> It's not any problem either, as long as the depreceated methods  
>> aren't
>> removed.
>> Yes, some extensions has to be corrected to work in future versions  
>> of
>> TYPO3, but this is normal for every piece of software when the "core"
>> part is developed to new and better versions and a lot of  
>> extensions are
>> changed many times in the past because of such changes.
>>> How can we deactivate this?
>> No need to - it doesn't do any harm, and I don't know of any way to
>> deactive the writing of logs. But you can delete the logs from time  
>> to time
>> As this is a question regarding 4.3-alpha, it should be asked in
>> dev-list. By the way, normaly you don't use alpha versions on
>> productions sites.
>>> Andi
>> Bests
>> Erik Svendsen
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