[TYPO3-english] globalVar Condition problem

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Wed May 6 14:03:57 CEST 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Walrick
Datum:       06.05.2009 13:12:
> Peter Russ wrote:
>> By the way: if you check for -2 as mentioned, ANY logged user will be
>> able to see ;-)
>> And a check for -2 AND 1 doesn't make sense as if a user is member of
>> usergroup 1 he will also be member of -2 (any logged user)!
>> So think about what you want to check!
> The condition doesn't check whether the a user is a member of -2 (that
> doesn't exist)
> What it does is check whether the current PAGE has an fe_group value of
> -2. The check is not meant to render content depending on the user's
> status but depending on the page's access setting. Basically it tells a
> member whether a page is members-only or not.
> The condition I posted is working on an active site.
> It just doesn't work if someone sets pageaccess to 1,2 (or 2,1) instead
> of using -2.
> And that's what I'm trying to get solved.
>> Perhaps a userfunction in condition could give you what you want in just
>> few lines ;-)
> I'm sure it does, but I'm not a programmer, so wouldn't know what
> function to write.

Can the member only page be located in ANY tree or is there any structure?

If there is a structure I would disable access control for the editors 
and preset the access to -2 (ANY LOGGED USER) or what ever you want.

Then fix the chaos in DB -> done.

So: no PHP coding required just TSconfig and a little SQL for the fix ;-)

Other option would be to give editor only access to usergroup -2, -1 -> 
check TSconfig.


Fiat lux! Docendo discimus.
uon GbR


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