[TYPO3-english] [TYPO3] CoolURI, urlsuffix and .xml extension

Jan Bednarik info at bednarik.org
Sat Mar 14 00:28:26 CET 2009


> Do you have any idea when you will implement this feature?

I just did. It's in the SVN. You can check it out from 

The usage is following:

Let's say you want to

1) remove / from links that end with ".xml"
2) append ".html" to links that end with "nas" (without slash)
3) other links with slash

Then the config would be:

<urlsuffix include="nas$" exclude=".xml$">.html</urlsuffix>
<removetrailingslash include="(.xml|nas)$">1</removetrailingslash>

Simple example - don't append / to links ending with .xml and append 
.html to other:

<urlsuffix exclude=".xml$">.html</urlsuffix>

Another - leave / except when link ends with .xml:

<removetrailingslash include=".xml$">1</removetrailingslash>

Let me know if it's OK and then I will probably release new version of 
CoolUri to TER.


Jan Bednarik
www.bednarik.org - web about Typo3 in czech

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