[TYPO3-english] fe login session expires (almost) instantly on IE8?

Andrew Plank plankmeister_NO at SPAM_hotmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:47:20 CEST 2009

Hi fe login experts!

I've created a site which requires the user to login to do anything, as 
all performable operations are 100% dependant on the user's usergroup. 
All browsers I've tested can successfully login to the site, apart from 
IE8. After a bit of experimentation with enabling/disabling 
redirection/realurl etc etc, I've ended up in the situation that upon 
login, if there is no redirection and I print_r() the fe_user object, I 
can see all the correct session data for that logged in user in the 
fe_user->user object. As soon as I go to another page (an "insecure" 
page, that is. Attempting to see a "secured" page redirects me [as it 
should - at the moment of redirection ie8 is mysteriously logged out] to 
the /pagenotfound RealURL alias) the fe_user->user object is empty. If I 
stay on the same page, and hit reload, I still see the correctly 
populated fe_user->user object. I have since tried to login on some 
other sites I've made (all 4.2.6) and it's the same story there, too.
I'm hoping someone might have an inkling, before I go peppering core 
files with "echo" and "print_r" in an effort to trace the problem...

I've tried IE8 on multiple machines and have tried adjusting the privacy 
settings in case it's a cookie problem. The strange thing is, I can 
login to the backend. It's only the front end the problem is manifested, 
even if the privacy level is set to "Accept all cookies".

Hoping someone can help!

Andrew Plank

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