[TYPO3] Mailformplus and attachments... Hmmmm....

Andrew Plank plankmeister_NO at SPAM_hotmail.com
Fri Jul 11 11:30:32 CEST 2008

Hi mailformplus experts!

I've setup mailfromplus on a site as a system for users to send their 
CVs and sparse details. I'm saving the info into the tt_address 
database. However, it doesn't matter what I try, I can't get the files 
the user uploads to be attached to the mail sent to the admin user.
The mail is sent fine, containing the info the user entered into the 
fields, it's just that the attachment is missing. I've even tried 
setting a static file attachment by using:

plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1 {
default.email_attachment = fileadmin/templates/images/logo.jpg



Here's my TS:

plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1 {

	# errorChecks for the form fields
	fieldConf {
		name.errorCheck = required
		email.errorCheck = required,email
		cvupload {
			errorCheck = required
			numberOfAllowedFiles = 1
			fileTypes = txt,doc,pdf,sxw
			fileSize = 200000
			fileUpload = uploads/tx_thmailformplus/
		captchafield.errorCheck = required

	saveDB = 1
	saveDB {

		dbTable = tt_address
		fileUpload = uploads/tx_thmailformplus/
		fileTypes = txt,doc,pdf,sxw
		fileSize = 2000000
		dbinsert = pid:35
		dbkey = uid
		mapping = 


	# Include only the needed fields in the saved record in the DB
	saveLog = -1

	# path to template file
	email_htmltemplate = 

	# path to language file
	langFile = fileadmin/templates/extensions/mailform_plus/cv_upload.php

	# path to stylesheet file
	stylesheetFile = fileadmin/templates/extensions/mailform_plus/template.css

	# the user mail is sent to the email address the user entered in the form
	default {
		#email_sendtouser = email
		email_to = ---address removed to protect the innocent---
		email_attachment = cvupload
		email_subject = TEXT
		email_subject {
			data = GPvar:name
			noTrimWrap = | | har lige registreret sin detaljer på Siten|
		email_sender = bob at example.com
	freecapFieldname = captchafield

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