[TYPO3] printer friendly customizations ignored...

Giannis Economou gecon at di.uoa.gr
Sat Mar 10 10:00:26 CET 2007


I'm trying to setup the "printer friendly" functionality, but have some

I'm using a "basetemplate" template in my site that sits in a sysfolder.
This template is included as a "Base Template" on site's homepage/root
and afterwards customized per language (so there are two homepages, one
for each language).

When inserting my TS for printer friendly view into the setup of a
homepage, the "print this page" is not working right. The problem is
that my custom template for generating the printer friendly page is ignored.
When inserting the same code into basetemplate it is working (my custom
template is being used).

I'm using the "Make Print Link" extension. I tried to include the static
template plugin.alt.print on page hosting the code and/or on my base

Here is the TS:

temp.printpage = TEXT
temp.printpage {
        value = print
        include_post_vars = 1
        target = _blank
        popup = 1
        windowparams =
        windowname = Print
        postUserFunc = tx_make_printlink
page.20.subparts.pageActions < temp.printpage

plugin.alt.print.file.template =
plugin.alt.print.file.stylesheet = fileadmin/templates/site_tmpl/print.css

- Also, the CSS is never used, regardless where I put the TS.
- Also the pop-up that should be in use (temp.printpage.popup=1) is
never fired.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.

Giannis Economou

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