[TYPO3] Text export/import for offline language translation

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jan 23 02:02:13 CET 2007

> Ideally, we would like to develop something that:
> 1)       Exports all existing text of a website into a simple text
> file

No problem so far, since you can easily use a different setup to get
downloadable plain text or XML files.

> 2)       The translator then translates these texts using his/her
> regular offline environment

Still no problem so far.

> 3)       An automated process gets the translated texts back onto the
> website

And this is where it gets tricky since IMHO you only got two options, which
both have their drawbacks:

1. You create XML (or other standard) files that must be used by the offline
translation tools, but most likely they won't be compatible to the formats
that those translation tools can use. - Any broken tag will mess up the
whole import.
2. You create plain text files, but then you will lose any tags or other
structures that will enable the importer to recognize the content and put it
back into the appropriate fields.

> I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas on
> this. We have not yet created a budget. What we are looking for is a
> rough outline of how something like this could be accomplished, as
> well as a rough cost estimate.

I guess most of the developers will give you the same answer: Without
additional information about the translation tools you want to use (and
especially their ability to handle i.e. XML files) it's almost impossible to
do a rough estimate.


Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your knob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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