[TYPO3] disable caching of cObject HMENU

christian oettinger christian.oettinger at gmx.de
Thu Feb 8 13:41:39 CET 2007

Hi list,

In my typo3-Installation I have a HMENU.
On one page I override a part of this menu with itemArrayProcFunc. On 
this page I would like caching of the menu to be disabled (similar to 
USER_INT), otherwise the function can't work properly. I can not disable 
caching of the whole page, for I use indexed_search.

thanks for any hint & cheers!


Code of my menu:

page.15 = HMENU
page.15 {
     stdWrap.wrap = <div id="menu2">|</div>
     entryLevel = 1
page.15.1 = TMENU
page.15.1.target = _top
page.15.1 {
    fontColor = #ffffff
    expAll = 0
    NO {
       linkWrap = <SPAN class="zweiteebene"> |</SPAN><BR>
       ATagBeforeWrap = 1
    ACT < page.15.1.NO
    ACT = 1
    ACT {
       linkWrap = <SPAN class="womanist2"> | </SPAN><BR>
       ATagBeforeWrap = 1
    SPC {
       doNotLinkIt = 1
       doNotShowLink = 0

includeLibs.oemenuitems = fileadmin/scripts/oe_itemArrayProcFunc.php

page.15.2 = TMENU
page.15.2 {
    fontColor = #ffffff
    expAll = 0
    itemArrayProcFunc = user_itemArrayProcFuncTest
    itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.oe_table = {$oe_menu_table}

    # bit tricky to explain: The typplink below creates a GET variable to
    # choose whi record shall be shown. The name if that GET variable is 
    # inside of typolink by the line additionalParams.wrap
    # In the script we need that name again for NO/ACT-behaviour so here
    # we pass the parts of that name to the script. This is done for a 
    # Showuid-Variabel here. Example:
    # additionalParams.wrap= &table_whichpi[showUid]=|
    # itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.oe_getvar_part1 = table_whichpi
    # itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.oe_getvar_part2 = showUid

    itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.oe_getvar_part1 = tx_oecertificates_pi1
    itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.oe_getvar_part2 = showUid

    itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.select.pidInList = {$certificatesfolder}
    itemArrayProcFunc.userFunc.select.orderBy = sorting
    NO {
       doNotLinkIt = 1
       ATagBeforeWrap = 1
       linkWrap = |
       stdWrap {
          data = field:name
          typolink {
             wrap = <SPAN class="dritteebene"> |</SPAN><BR>
             ATagBeforeWrap = 1
             parameter.data = TSFE:id
             additionalParams.field= uid
             additionalParams.wrap= &tx_oecertificates_pi1[showUid]=|
      #stdWrap.data = debug:data

   ACT < .NO
   ACT = 1
   ACT {
       stdWrap {
          typolink {
          wrap = <SPAN class="womanist3"> |</SPAN><BR>
            #wrap = <SPAN class="womanist3"> |</SPAN><BR>
             ATagBeforeWrap = 1

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