[TYPO3] RSS feed does validate

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Wed Aug 8 20:42:31 CEST 2007

> Bing Du wrote:
>> Hi,
>> typo3 4.0.6
>> tt_news 2.4
>> Here is the validating result of our typo3 site.
>> http://www.feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.biorenew.iastate.edu%2Frss.xml
>> I know the cause of the error 'link must be a full and valid URL' and
>> how
>> to fix it.  That's likely caused by missing 'http://' in the manually
>> entered external URL the news article refers.
>> But for the rest three highlighted errors, I have no clue.  How does
>> typo3
>> generate the feed?
>> Which imiage are the following errors complaining about?
>> "width must be between 1 and 144"
>> "height must be between 1 and 400"
>> For the following error, how should a guid element be added?
>> "item should contain a guid element"
>> Thanks much for any help.
>> Bing
> Hi Bing,
> The feed is generated through tt_news.
> You can fix the '<width>' & '<height>' issue by giving tt_news a valid
> image to use as the feed icon. Add the following TS to your root
> template's setup:
> plugin.tt_news {
>    displayXML {
>      xmlIcon = fileadmin/templates/images/icon.gif
>    }
> }
> The GUID is not rendered by tt_news if you use the default RSS
> templates. It is recommended to include it but it is not required:
> http://www.feedvalidator.org/docs/warning/MissingGuid.html
> Hope this helps,
> Oliver

I checked our root template and found it had the following setting already.

plugin.tt_news {
    displayXML {
      xmlIcon = fileadmin/templates/typo3/tt_news_articles.gif

On http://www.feedvalidator.org, the first several relevant lines of the
source of http://www.biorenew.iastate.edu/rss.xml are:

# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# <rss version="2.0">
# <channel>
# <title>Office of Biorenewable Programs</title>
# <link>http://www.biorenew.iastate.edu/</link>
# <description>News from the Office of Biorenewable Programs, Iowa State
# <language>en</language>
# <image>
# <title>Office of Biorenewable Programs</title>
# <url>http://www.biorenew.iastate.edu/EXT:tt_news/ext_icon.gif</url>
# <link>http://www.biorenew.iastate.edu/</link>
# <width></width>
# <height></height>
<omitted the rest>

So looks like it's the image
http://www.biorenew.iastate.edu/EXT:tt_news/ext_icon.gif that doesn't meet
the width and height requirements?   That's a different image than the one
I specified in xmlIcon in the root template (xmlIcon =

Any other ideas?



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