[TYPO3] incorrect spacing in generated images with text

Oskar Liljeblad oskar at osk.mine.nu
Thu Nov 9 15:42:50 CET 2006

Anyone know why generated images with text have incorrect spacing? E.g.
It displays ' P r o d u' - but should display 'Produkter'. I think
'vera.ttf' (from typo3 tar-file) or 'verdana.ttf' (from Windows) is used
here. However, this problem doesn't happen with all fonts.
I tried different values for spacing, but none seem to fix this problem.

Typo3 4.0.2, PHP 4.4.4, libgd 2.0.33, ImageMagick


Oskar Liljeblad (oskar at osk.mine.nu)

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