[TYPO3] rss tt_news

dave typo typothree at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 13:20:26 CET 2006

I've been trying to get tt_news working with rss - scept I can't seem to get
the xml link to appear on my page

typically I've been defining library items within templavoila and typoscript
object paths to make content, menus, and the current date appear.

Usually, when defining page attributes nothing appears, and using a straight
html wrap to the xml doesn't work either.
I know this is a noobish question, but I'm sure its a simple answer that I
just haven't been able to solve.

I've defined the rss typoscript in the typoscript template setup in the same
manner as this site: http://ben.vantende.net/nc/t3docs/tt-news/page/31/

Also, is the XML that is provided with tt_news ready-to-go or do I have to
define some more properties within?

  plugin.tt_news *{*
 displayXML *{*
      *# rss091_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rss_0_91.tmpl*
 *     # rdf_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rdf.tmpl*
 *     # atom03_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/atom_0_3.tmpl*
 *     # atom1_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/atom_1_0.tmpl*
      rss2_tmplFile *=* EXT:tt_news/res/rss_2.tmpl
  *    # possibile values: rss091 / rss2 / rdf / atom03* / atom1
 xmlFormat *=* rss2
     xmlTitle *=* News FEED
      xmlLink *=* http://localhost/typo3wamp/index.php
      xmlDesc *=* Latest News
      xmlLang *=* en
      xmlIcon *=* fileadmin/xml.gif
      title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars *=* 1
      title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities *=* 1
      subheader_stdWrap.stripHtml *=* 1
      subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars *=* 1
      subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities *=* 1
      subheader_stdWrap.crop *=* 100 | ... | 1
      subheader_stdWrap.ifEmpty.field *=* bodytext
      xmlLastBuildDate *=* 1
 * }*

 * ## This enables the xml news feed*
  xmlnews *=* PAGE
  xmlnews *{*
    typeNum *=* 100
    10 *>*
    10 *<* plugin.tt_news
    10.pid_list *>*
    10.pid_list *=* {$plugin.tt_news.pid_list}
    10.singlePid *=* {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
    10.defaultCode *=* XML
    config *{*
      disableAllHeaderCode *=* 1
      additionalHeaders *=* Content-type:text/xml
      no_cache *=* 1
      xhtml_cleaning *=* 0
 * }
*so, theres the setup.
since this didn't make anything appear I tried doing something like this:

lib.rss = COA
lib.rss {
      wrap = <td><a href="http://localhost/typo3wamp/index.php>RSS</a></td>

which made the content appear, except the XML parsed with a malformation error.

Could someone explain what I should do to activate RSS compatibility
with my tt_news plugin?




I'm sure this same question has been asked
before, so if anyone can direct me to another thread that would also be

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