[TYPO3] Front End User Registation and customizing country list

John Nicholas typo3user at mobosplash.com
Wed Mar 22 03:08:36 CET 2006

Christopher wrote:
> On 3/21/06, Peter Russ <peter.russ at 4many.net> wrote:
>> RTFM: defaulValues is your friend ;-)
> Agreed. Stanislas' manuals are exceptionally good...

Which manual? The sr_static_info contains no mention of a defaulValues 
or a defaultValues. I did find (by hunting through TS browser) that if I put

plugin.tx_srstaticinfo_pi1.countryCode = USA
plugin.tx_srstaticinfo_pi1.countryZoneCode = USA

in Constants, it will set the state list properly but the Country still 
says "Outlying Oceania"

The sr_feuser_register manual also has no mention of defaulValues or a 
defaultValues. It only has 4 mentions of sr_static_info.

1)The extension is designed to be used in conjunction with the New Login 
Box (newloginbox), Static Info Library (sr_static_info) and,....

2) In order to use the XHTML CSS-styled template, version 1.4.9+ of 
Static Info Library (sr_static_info) is required.

3) If you select the CSS-styled template, make sure you have installed 
version 1.4.9+ of extension Static Info Library (sr_static_info).

4)  In order to use the xhtml ccs- styled template, version 1.4.9+ of 
Static Info Library (sr_static_info) is required.

None of which help with identifying the above config TS. There are 8 
uses of countryCode none of which mention setting a default or point to 
looking in sr_static_info config. zone is listed as something I can turn 
on or off but nothing else is said about it in terms of how it relates 
to any other field.

Basically, I don't see how the manual helps at all. My experience with 
using typo3 for 3 years now is that a manual is only useful for finding 
something you already know but that it is very rare that you will be 
able to find something new in one. Even in this case, where I alrady 
know the above snippet, I cannot now point to a place in any manual that 
documents this.

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