[TYPO3] Hide link from menus with sub pages

Tomas Florian tomas at florien.ca
Sun Jun 4 03:34:59 CEST 2006


My side has a cascade menu and I want to get rid of the <a> tags from 
all menu items that have sub pages of their own. 

- MenuA
- MenuB

So menu2 should be clickable directly
But menu1 should not, it only holds Menu A and B which are clickable 
because they have no sub menus of their own

I'm trying to do this using IFSUB and   doNotShowLink = 1 and  
doNotLinkIt = 1 ... no luck at all
I even tried to isolate the problem by trying to turn blue or green for 
all pages that have sub pages IFSUB (but even that doesn't work) .. why? 
... also when I tried to put doNotShowLink=1 and doNotLinkIt=1 into RO 
(so that no menu would have a link) ... they do ... I think I'm not 
understanding something fundamental about how these things interact with 
each other.

Here is excerpt from my typoscrtipt:

 ## submenu position ##
temp.popupMenu = HMENU
temp.popupMenu.1 = GMENU_LAYERS
temp.popupMenu.1 {

  hideMenuTimer = 100
  leftOffset = -8
  target = _top
  lockPosition = x
  expAll = 1
  relativeToTriggerItem = 1
  topOffset = 19
  hideMenuWhenNotOver = 15

## LEVEL 1
temp.popupMenu.1.wrap = <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 
bordercolor=white valign=middle><tr>|</tr></table>
temp.popupMenu.1.NO {
  wrap = <td>|</td>
  XY = [10.w]+25, 18
  backColor =  white

  10 = TEXT
  10.text.field = nav_title // title
  10.offset = 0,14
  10.fontSize = 12
  10.fontColor= black
  10.niceText = 1
  10.fontFile = arial.ttf

temp.popupMenu.1.IFSUB < temp.popupMenu.1.NO
temp.popupMenu.1.IFSUB = 1
  doNotShowLink = 1
  doNotLinkIt = 1
  allWrap =
  overrideId = 1
  backColor = blue


## LEVEL 2
temp.popupMenu = HMENU
temp.popupMenu.2 = GMENU_LAYERS
temp.popupMenu.2 {
  target = _top
  expAll = 1
  leftOffset = 100
  relativeToParentLayer = 1

temp.popupMenu.2.useLargestItemX = 1
temp.popupMenu.2.wrap = <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 
temp.popupMenu.2.NO {
  wrap = <tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
  backColor = #AFAEAE
  XY = 100, 18
  10 = TEXT
  10.text.field = nav_title // title
  10.offset = 10,14
  10.fontFile = arial.ttf
  10.align = left
  10.fontColor=   white|*| white|*| white
  10.fontSize = 11
  10.niceText = 1 

##rollover submenu celler ##
temp.popupMenu.2.RO < temp.popupMenu.2.NO
temp.popupMenu.2.RO = 1

temp.popupMenu.2.RO {
  backColor = #AFAEAE
  10.fontColor = black

##active submenu celler ##
temp.popupMenu.2.ACT < temp.popupMenu.2.RO
temp.popupMenu.2.ACT = 1

temp.popupMenu.2.IFSUBRO < temp.popupMenu.2.NO
temp.popupMenu.2.IFSUBRO = 1
  doNotShowLink = 1
  doNotLinkIt = 1
  allWrap =
   overrideId = 1
   backColor = green


Thank you for any help,

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