[TYPO3] GMENU_LAYERS fixed location

Bas van der Togt b.vandertogt at profinit.com
Thu Apr 6 17:10:16 CEST 2006

Hello typo users,

I've got a horizontal menu with 5 different tabs.
When you roll over, i want to show a menu on a fixed place.
I've got the problem now that the level 2 menu is placed on a other 
place at every tab. Is there anybody who knows a solution for this?

this is my code:

includeLibs.gmenu_layers = media/scripts/gmenu_layers.php

# Menu Top Level 1
temp.MenuTop = HMENU
temp.MenuTop.entryLevel = 0
temp.MenuTop.1 = GMENU_LAYERS
temp.MenuTop.1 {
   #layerStyle = position:absolute;VISIBILITY:hidden;
   expAll = 1
   hideMenuWhenNotOver = 1
   hideMenuTimer = 5
   relativeToTriggerItem = 1
   leftOffset = 0
   topOffset = 61
   wrap = <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
   #blankStrEqFalse = 1
   #xPosOffset = -10
   #lockPosition = x
   #dontFollowMouse = 1
   #relativeToParentLayer = 1
   #relativeToParentLayer.addWidth = 1
   #displayActiveOnLoad = 1
   freezeMouseover = 0
     NO {
     allWrap = <td>|</td>
     imgParams = id="img-organisatie" || id="img-producten" || 
id="img-diensten" || id="img-markten" || id="img-contact"
     XY = 116,31
     5 = IMAGE
     5.file = fileadmin/templates/images/organisatie.gif || 
fileadmin/templates/images/producten.gif || 
fileadmin/templates/images/diensten.gif || 
fileadmin/templates/images/markten.gif || 
     5.width = 116
     5.height = 31

# Menu Top Level 2
temp.MenuTop.2 = GMENU_LAYERS
temp.MenuTop.2.NO {
   wrap = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="0"><tr><td>|</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" 
   XY = 183,20
   backColor = #B8B8B8
   10 = TEXT
   10.text.field = title
   10.fontColor = #FFFFFF
   10.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/vera.ttf
   10.niceText = 1
   10.offset = 10,15
   10.fontSize = 10

Bas van der Togt

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