[Typo3] Zap the Gremlins - report them!!!!

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 09:55:14 CEST 2005

> >
> make a backup of things you want to change before you change it is a
> good option.
> Also, personally I have a tarbal of dummy package and typo3 source at
> hand...

I do. Some don't. I once misplaced my dummy tarball and couldn't find
it (I may have deleted it accidentally).

> >Besides, imagine someone uploads a new version of a non-system
> >extension (say, macina_banners) that is incompatible with a previous
> >version. Or is otherwise unstable. We are left at the mercy of the
> >developer to provide a stable version since there is no way to access
> >previous versions of the extension.
> >_______________________________________________
> >
> >
> It's about system_extentions, these are removed.
> macina_banners for example as a system created by one of our extention contributors.
> it's actually his responsibly to keeps his extention compatible...to some extend ofcourse.
> So this extention will always be found in TER, and the developers can keep older
> versions in there aswell which you can download.

Could you tell me how to find a previous version of an extension in
the TER? You can't. And I don't think it's a developer's choice to
keep or not to keep an older extension. The TER should be more like
SF's download page (see TYPO's own
where I can choose what version to download.

BTW, back to system extensions. Are they never ever going to be
patched or upgraded until the next version of TYPO comes out? If they
are, how in the world are we going to access them? By downloading an
extra 30 megs of TYPO 3.8.1, 3.8.2 etc?

> So there is no real problem there...

Oh yes, there is

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