[Typo3] page changed by user:

krassimir berov k_berov at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 29 15:10:54 CEST 2005

Hi Boys. I just subscribed to the list so, be
tollerant for now please, if I ask something wrong.

I use Typo3 since 2 weeks, and now want to see at the
bottom of every of my pages something like:
Last Update: The date
Updated by user: username or realName
I managed with the "Last Update" thing. The problem is
discused and solved at several places on the net.
Here is one of them

The Problem is that I want the backend username which
last modyfied the page displayed too. 
Where(or How) to get it from?
Thanks In advance to all!!!

Ps:In CaseYou can not Read my Messages,
they are usualy sent in
Encodings such as
Cyrillic (Windows) or UTF-8

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