[Typo3] Links losing index.php in RTE

Steven Bagshaw steven.bagshaw at unv.org
Wed Jun 29 11:47:07 CEST 2005

I tried reactivating RealURL (I had it working earlier on 3.7) and the links
in the RTE don't work there either. They come out exactly the same as if I
did not have RealURL activated - but my other links appear to some degree in
the RealURL format. (I have some fixes still to make).

I don't recall changing the .htaccess recently.

Very confused now. Will keep digging...

Thanks for your help.


"tapio" <tapio.markula at dnainternet.net> wrote in message
news:mailman.1.1120036489.3616.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steven Bagshaw wrote:
> > But when I click on the link, it doesn't actually work. It takes me to
> > root page of myserver.com/cms, rather than the specific ID.
> >
> > Tapio - can you remember reading about this new "feature" somewhere?
> No. And now Typo3 seems to work normally - puts index.php.
> I don't understand, why it doesn't behave at this way always.
> Sorry - this really seems to be a strange problem.
> Maybe problems with .htaccess?
> Have you altered it?
> I use normally Real URL - it has some problems.
> 1) When you go to the home page, variable L doesn't work as prevars
> but I get /119/?L=1
> NEXT page I get for example /fi/124/ ('Ota yhteyttä').
> see
> if you put
> http://www.tapionet.net/
> you should get
> http://www.tapionet.net/fi/119/
> but you get
> http://www.tapionet.net/119/?L=1
> when you go to some pages and return to home page by using
> breadrumbs (path menu) prevars work
> Use some link.
> Not a bad problem but a little bit irritating
> 2) #anchor doesn't work at all in the same page! internal achors goes
> ALWAYS to the root page! BAD problem because internal references in the
> same page can't be used => some plugins can't be used.

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