[Typo3] optionSplit and menu

Alex Lopez alex.lopezt at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 15:48:38 CEST 2005

Hi all,
I'm creating horizontal menus for 2 and 3 menu levels.

Level 2 is included into a div and I'm using for it optionSplit
without problems but when there is only a level 3 menu, it doesn't run

# Menu 1 cObject
temp.menu_1= HMENU

  # First level menu-object, textual
temp.menu_1.1 = TMENU
temp.menu_1.1 {
    # Normal state properties
  NO.allWrap = | <img src="fileadmin/template/images/sep_menu2.gif"
width="2" height="13">|*||*| |
  NO.ATagParams = class="item1"

temp.menu_1.2 = TMENU
temp.menu_1.2 {
  NO.allWrap = <div class="section" id="section">| |*| | |*| |</div>
  NO.ATagParams = class="item2"


I have problem in both of then, because if there is only a menuItem,
allways writes the last portion of the optionSplit (as it is explained
in tsref doc).

I'm trying to use a condition for, if there is only a level3 menuItem,
writing the whole div tag with the menuItem into it, but I'm thinking
that there is something I am not understanding well about how HMENU is
creating menus, i.e., how it iterates over different menuItems in both

There is someone that could help me? In case there is only a menuItem,
I want to write

NO.allWrap = <div class="section" id="section">|</div>

Kind regards,

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