[Typo3] Change the src of an image via TSconfig

Kraft Bernhard kraftb at gmx.net
Wed Jun 22 10:17:23 CEST 2005

Thomas Hartwig wrote:
> At the page "Home" should the image "home" to be highlighted.
> The problem is that I coudn't find a way to to change the URL of an image
> that is a TemplaVoila-Object.
> Now the image is mapped with a <a>ATTR:href. I can't map it again to make it
> editable.
> The idea is to change the image in each Page-TSconfig. But I don't know how
> I write this.

First of all Page-TSConfig is for other things as Images mostly are outputted by TS
Which has nothing to do with TSConfig except that it has the same syntax ...

Normally if you would have mapped the complete <img> tag and not just the href attribute
there would be TS which generates the image in the DS of the Page-Template.

You could insert a condition like
[globalVars = TSFE:page|uid = ROOT_PAGE_ID]
and define a different Image TS for the root page ...

But as you have choosen to map just the attribute I wonder where you upload the image to
(or have you mapped the href attribue as an TypoScript Object Path element ? - then you
can also just switch by an condition)

Kraft Bernhard
MOKKA Medienagentur <http://www.mokka.at>
T: +43 - 1 - 895 33 33 - 50

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