[Typo3] Roll Over (RO) not working?

Jane Larsen noesgard at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 16:13:20 CEST 2005

I have a big problem with RO in my menu, probably missed something simple 
but here is what I have:

temp.gmenulayers= HMENU
temp.gmenulayers { 
1 { 
wrap=<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>|</tr></table> 
layerStyle =position:absolute;VISIBILITY:hidden; background:#EDFAF0; border: 
1px solid #F0E999; padding-bottom: 5px; 
xPosOffset = -30 
lockPosition = y 
#leftOffset defines how far from the left edge of the level 1 menuitem that 
the level 2 menu shows
leftOffset = 1
#topOffset defines how far from the top of the level 1 menu item that the 
level 2 shows 
topOffset = 21 
hideMenuWhenNotOver = 1 
relativeToTriggerItem = 1 
NO { 
backColor = #FFFFFF 

#width, height of the level 1 menu items
#XY = 110, 20 #absolute size
XY = [10.w]+20,20 
10 = TEXT 
10.text.field = title
10.fontColor = black
10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/Verdana.TTF
10.offset = 5,15 
RO = 1
RO {
10 = TEXT 
10.text.field = title
10.fontColor = black
backColor = #F0E999 


My problem is that the RO effect works as far as background color is 
concerned, but no text is shown (that is when hovering the mouse over a menu 
the text disappears and the back color changes) - Whats missing here?

//Jane Larsen

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