[Typo3] Shop system tt_products 2.02: ###CATEGORY_TITLE### shows "category-page-title/category"

Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] hiddink at bendoo.com
Tue Jun 14 19:47:55 CEST 2005


Another question about tt_products:
the tag ###CATEGORY_TITLE### prints AND the category-page-title (=page 
where plugin is installed) AND the name of the category attached to the 
product-item, like this "Bicycles/wheels".

Why is that? Why are there not different tags for each field?

Thanks in advance again!


Bert Hiddink
hiddink at bendoo.nl
BENDOO e-work solutions
Harterinkdijk 8, 7065 AR SINDEREN
The Netherlands
Tel. 0315 244525

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